Thursday, May 15, 2008

first post

Linz, I think I've done it, I created my own blog. I didn't get the color I chose, but if this works, great. Ecuador!! some of my favorite subjects: Gallapagos Islands--does everything happen there? Macchu Picchu (been gonna study that for a looooooooong time.) The Amazon--wow. You go girl.
Lots has been happening in our family since late March, we have all learned--again--that forgiveness and repentance really work!! DUH How many times do we need to learn that fact and apply it to EVERYONE BACK AND FORTH.
LOVE TO ALL WHO MAY READ THIS. I got to this blog point after trying to remember what I told each family member about anything. being near 70 is vellly interesting. Sometimes I wish you WOULD be a spy...that was my favorite game when I was very room was really a hotel room and I had to lock both doors as I left so that my jewels would not be stolen. G goota go


Linds said...

Grandma I'm so proud of you for setting up a blog! It looks great! And changing the colors or the scheme is really easy, call me when you want to do it and I'll walk you through it. Fun fun fun! LOVE YOU!

Sherrie said...

Mom, way to go! You did it and I haven't even done this yet!!

Love you!